My dear Hyrum, you are so gentle and loving. Today I needed that. I needed your squeals and your hugs, and the yellow flowers you picked for me in the grass. It was kind of a rough morning, so after we dropped Ava off at school, we sat in the backyard under that big clear sky and ate apples together. You had yours and I had mine and you just sat there in my lap in the grass while we watched the neighborhood cat chase butterflies. After you finished you’d go off to pick flowers or pet the kitty, and then return with your arms wide and your smile beaming and run into my lap. Other times you’d lean over, put your arm around my back and your head on my shoulder and hug me. And when I lay down, you lay down too. That was our time, our quiet, simple, perfect time, and it was just what I needed. Oh my dear Hyrum, you most certainly have my heart. I love you so much. #mamanotes