You know how we often say that motherhood is hard? It totally is.
But just plain womanhood is hard too. All these emotions get me feeling all over the place sometimes. I’ve got a good deal of these funny little hormones in my body that make me feel like I’m figuring things out one minute and totally second guessing myself the next. I over-think, over-angst, and overwhelm myself sometimes. And nights are so funny like that. If I’m feeling overly emotional at all at night, I better just go on to bed because if I let them settle and spin, I start to get all loopy and teary and everything becomes so much more this or that. And why am I like this??
That happened the other night. I was telling Jake my thoughts and my feelings about something and Jake couldn’t help but laugh. He listened and he hugged me, but he laughed too. I appreciated that. It reminded me that sometimes these little buggers have more control over me than I realize, and a good amount of shut eye will allow a nice reset. And it does.
But it also reminds me that I’m a woman, with all the mushy, lovey, wonderful feelings that comes with it. These feelings allow me to connect, to love, to appreciate, and to sympathize, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
So here’s to womanhood, and to motherhood. For surely if navigating our own emotions proves difficult at times, caring for little ones with loads of them is surely a monumental task. And we do it because again, we wouldn’t have it any other way. All those mushy, lovey, wonderful feelings bring with them life’s most bountiful connections.
So bless you women, and you mothers, and those who would be if they could. The world is sweeter and richer because of those sweeping, overwhelming feelings you carry. May we try to use them for good.