There’s not much I love more than seeing my kids PLAY!
They’ve been spending most of their time outside lately and we love it!
There’s not much I love more than seeing my kids PLAY!
They’ve been spending most of their time outside lately and we love it!
My dear Hyrum, you are so gentle and loving. Today I needed that. I needed your squeals and your hugs, and the yellow flowers you picked for me in the grass. It was kind of a rough morning, so after we dropped Ava off at school, we sat in the backyard under that big clear sky and ate apples together. You had yours and I had mine and you just sat there in my lap in the grass while we watched the neighborhood cat chase butterflies. After you finished you’d go off to pick flowers or pet the kitty, and then return with your arms wide and your smile beaming and run into my lap. Other times you’d lean over, put your arm around my back and your head on my shoulder and hug me. And when I lay down, you lay down too. That was our time, our quiet, simple, perfect time, and it was just what I needed. Oh my dear Hyrum, you most certainly have my heart. I love you so much. #mamanotes
I’m sitting here finishing off a jar of peanut butter, resting my legs, and laughing (kind of incredulously) at myself and how I thought strollering my baby over five miles and across town to the grocery store and back while Ava rides her little bike alongside us was a good idea. Not my smartest move there. I guess I got carried away with all this good weather! Now I know. Sometimes being cooped up all winter makes you think you can do crazy things when the weather is nice. I’ve got the tan lines and pink cheeks to prove it. 😂😬🙈
About a quarter of a mile to the store, Ava said that her legs were tired and she wanted a break. I thought, “Oh man, we are not going to make it all the way there,” so I told her we should turn around and go back home. To which she replied, “I can do it mom, I know I can!” For this girl who lies sprawled out on the floor explaining that she’s too tired to walk upstairs to bed, this was a pretty big statement. And she stuck to it! A few times along the way I told her, “Maybe we should go back, are you sure you can go all that way?” Then Ava would say, “Mom we can make it! We can do this!”
And we did. ☺️
…ALSO as you can probably tell from the pictures… I joined snapchat. 😁 my username is tamaraelises (I think). It’s a strange kind of thing. I feel so awkward at it and the swiping is so confusing to me. But it’s kind of fun to just post random unpolished moments.
This walk just happened to be the first thing I posted about and I just laugh thinking how foolish I must seem! We’ll see if I can keep up this thing.
Currently on day 3 of being home and I give myself full credit for the 2 baskets of clean laundry and the beautiful bowls of tortilla soup that I made tonight (even if the kids didn’t touch it and ate half a can of corn and snacks instead.) It was one of those days where I was too tired to do much of anything by the end of the day and too task oriented to just sit down and rest. So I did a lot of restless standing around and slow motion cooking.
After dinner Ava insisted on putting on a puppet show for Jake and I (despite our insistence that it was bedtime.) We were too tired to do anything about it so a puppet show it was, and all that laughter and resting was good for us. So so good. #mamanotes
Dear Ava,
Today you seemed so happy. It was a family day with Daddy home and Hyrum running across the carpets with his gap-toothed grin, as usual. You love these days. Daddy made you breakfast and a fort downstairs where you watched a show together. Then you and Daddy played monster, giggling under the blankets waiting for me to find you. Then it was jacket time and socks and boots and pants because your friends might be home and you love playing with them. After a few minutes of jumping on the trampoline they went inside for breakfast and the two of us jumped up and down and chased each other’s shadows. While we hopped in circles you told me how you love jumping with me.
I love jumping with you too. I love playing with you and learning with you and being so happy with you. We all do. You are so spirited and fun and eager to enjoy all the goodness around you.
Tonight after riding our skateboards and bikes to the park, Daddy went to church for the priesthood conference session and I bathed you and your brother and smoothed aloe on your sun pinked skin. You played all day under those warming rays, jumping and running and laughing with your friends. You were tired. I tucked your little legs under the covers and said our bedtime prayer, at your request. Your head stayed up for just a few moments before slipping onto the mattress with the close of your eyes. In that quiet moment at the edge of the bed, I thanked Heavenly Father for this beautiful day with you and Daddy and Hyrum. I thanked Him for the Gospel and all the goodness and joy we have because of it. And then I prayed for heaven’s help. I prayed for help as I learn how to mother. As I struggle to mother.
A few times this week as I stood against your sass and strong will, I wondered how to do it. There is so much I don’t know and my weaknesses are becoming apparent. Sometimes I think about all the mothers that have done it and are doing it and that gives me strength. But you know what gives me the most strength? I know that we have heaven on our side. Raising you two little ones is the greatest thing I could be doing right now, and I have God and the angels in heaven to help me. I have no doubt that they have whispered in my ear from time to time how I can be a little more patient or humble or kind. I want you to know that in the Gospel of Jesus Christ we can be taught from on high if we ask for it and listen. So that is what I prayed for.
All my love,