I’ve been counting my blessings a lot lately. It’s interesting because things have been really quite challenging lately and I’m REALLY looking forward to getting to a new “normal” (which hopefully includes a lot more rest!) but in this time of challenge I have also felt so UPLIFTED and strengthened and happy. It’s interesting how God works. We have to have the challenges to shape and refine us and give us experience, but He is also so merciful and quick to send His blessings to help us through. | ||
I wrote just a few things down that have stood out to me recently (but our blessings are many! -especially these sweet little babes) |
1. TIME with Ava and Hyrum. The other day I was feeling kind of bummed that I have so little time to give attention to Ava & Hyrum. I hardly have time to pour them a bowl of cereal, it’s crazy. I could tell that they were really missing it too. In my prayers the other night I prayed that I would be able to meet their needs and spend more time with them. The next morning, BOTH babies stayed asleep for at least 30 minutes when I put them down–long enough for oatmeal for breakfast, airplane rides on my feet and lots of giggles. We all felt so happy and refreshed afterwards and I knew my prayer was answered! I was reminded that sometimes we just need to ask.
2. REST. As it is to be expected, I am quite tired lately. The other day was go-go-go. A sweet friend came over and tended my babies for a few hours while Ava and I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I washed, picked up, and put away until my house looked clear again! (That’s another blessing-a clean house!!) It felt so good, but after that long day and an unusually long night with the babies, my body felt especially spent the next morning. But as I’ve noticed so much lately, just when I am really in need of something, when I’m nearing the end of my rope, I am given rest and the strength I need to keep chugging. The next day two sweet young women came over and took care of my babies so I could rest. I napped with Hyrum, which was a two-fold blessing because I got some sleep and time with my boy. He snuggled in so close to me, I know he’s been missing our time together too. These girls have been coming a few times a week and I have so much love for them! I can’t thank them enough. They help us so much.
3. RELIEF. Last night was one of our hardest nights. The girls have been congested the past week, so they wake up a lot in their sleep having a hard time breathing. Last night they had a lot of reflux in their sleep too, and when it would come out their nose it would make them more congested and wake them up. We hardly slept at all, with a total of two hours of sleep. After their morning feeding they both fell asleep in their rock n plays, which was amazing! I prayed that they would stay asleep for even just 30 minutes so I could have some relief and get some things done. Well, they both woke up just a few minutes after falling asleep, and I tried relentlessly to get them to stay asleep. Finally I put them in their carseats so I could carry them both around or rock them on the front porch. Thea stayed asleep but Esther struggled through her reflux. After a few hours it was time to feed them again. I went to prepare a bottle quickly while Esther cried. Then the crying stopped. Those sweet young women had come over to help again today, and even though I had to wait a few hours for relief, they were the sweet answer to my prayer! They fed and held the babies while I cleaned and napped with Hyrum, and when I woke up, the babies were both sound asleep in their rock n plays, and they even stayed asleep (with some soothing in-between) for a few hours!! With Thea in my wrap I was able to make dinner (which hasn’t been possible in a long time!) And what’s even more amazing is that they fell asleep for the night just before nine and stayed asleep until 2am. Heavenly Father answers prayers. That is so comforting to me.
4. FRIENDS. Angels. Such good, good people so quick to serve, coming over for hours at a time to hold my babies, play with my kids, and bring us meals. Other friends and family have been sending messages and thoughtfulness from a distance to see how we are doing. We have been surrounded with so much kindness and support and we are so, so, grateful.
We’re doing well, because God’s blessings (and His angels!) are so very real.