Hyrum’s been doing a lot of roaring lately, so it seemed only fitting to get a lion costume for him. Then I thought how cute it would be for Ava to be Dorothy, and since she has no idea who Dorothy is, we all watched The Wizard of Oz last night, despite the memories I have of being terrified of witches and tornadoes after seeing the movie when I was her age. 😁 She loved it and so far doesn’t seem scared so that’s good. This morning after her bath she brought me a hairbrush and two hair ties and said, “Mom, since I’m going to be Dorothy, I should do my hair in two French braids like her.” So I braided her hair and not an hour later we got the costumes dropped at our door. She was SO excited, and danced around the room for a good ten minutes with it on, only changing her clothes to play outside with her friends. Sure glad that worked out. 👍

Halloween–Ava had so much fun in her sparkly red shoes and her poofy skirt, and Hyrum kept his costume on for over half of the branch trunk or treat (even with all the cornbread crumbs tucked in his mane and the sticky drool from the four suckers he downed as soon as he got them. 😄) It was so fun with them. Jake and I dressed up too (Clark Kent [superman]–see the resemblance?? and Cat Woman) but we didn’t get any pictures of that (they were last minute costumes anyway 🙂

Happy Halloween!!