You woke to the sound of your little brother humming and your daddy’s feet on the creaky floor. And while daddy got ready for work, you climbed up on my bed and into my lap as I sat there trying to wake up. With snowfall and darkness still outside our doors, we tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen where we shared homemade bread and bananas and laughed as your brother ate them faster than we could put them on his tray. Your little voice beamed in anticipation as I pulled the little tupperware from the top shelf of the fridge at your request. You had leftover macaroni and cheese for breakfast, and you couldn’t have been happier.
As I stood at the sink washing last night’s dishes, I watched as you carefully poured rainbow sprinkles into your little brother’s hands. He placed his palm to his mouth, then squealed in delight. He looked at you with his eyes wide and his eyebrows raised and the two of you exchanged baby noises and giggles as you repeated the things he tried to say to you. I’m sure he would tell you how much he loves playing with you and eating sprinkles with you, if he could.
You are four today, sweet Ava. You’ve been counting down each day this week until you could decorate your hello kitty cake and officially be big and brave enough to do everything you couldn’t do last year. Because being four means you can swim and so many good things. And I agree with you, because every year with you means so many good things.
Today as I watched you dance and twirl in your bright blue nightgown, waiting so patiently for your cake to cool, I smiled and thought how lucky we are to have you. That happens a lot when I watch you be you. With your sweetness and your bright spirit, you inspire joy and fun in all of us.
And you inspire goodness. Today you went skipping around the family room singing “I am a child of God,” and if there’s one thing I hope you really come to know, it’s that. Please keep singing. Know how precious you are and how much we love you!
Last year we let Ava pick out sprinkles and marshmallows and other little goodies to decorate her cake, and I honestly think that decorating her own cake was the highlight of her birthday. We decided to do that this year too (using all the leftover sprinkles from last year ) and clearly she had so much fun with it.
I had all the thoughts of “that’s too many sprinkles over there,” and “just stop there, that looks good” and “ok that’s enough artificial coloring and sugar and…,” but then I stepped back and let her do her thing because that’s what she’ll remember when it’s all over–that she decorated her cake all by herself and did it just the way she wanted it.
When she finished she exclaimed, “Oh I love my cake so much!”
So I think we’ll continue with this tradition. It’s good for all of us. 😉
You Are My Sunshine from Tamara Schellenberg on Vimeo.
I made this video for her when she was two and a half and we always love watching it. Can you see the joy this girl brings!?