“Mom are you sure I can drink this soda? Because I don’t know if I’ll survive it.”

We’re recovering over here after being mauled by an ugly stomach bug. How many of those are there!? I think we’ve seen the likes of them at least three times this year.
Ava seemed to be able to keep most of her water down throughout the day, so I thought I’d give her a treat of some ginger ale. She was hesitant, but I reassured her that she’d probably be fine since she was able to keep her water down. A few minutes later she was standing over the toilet. She looked back at me and said, “Mom, who was right?”
“Yep, you were definitely right. I’m sorry!”
As much as I hate seeing her sick, I thoroughly enjoyed the times she fell asleep in my arms today. As I scooped her long slender body up to cuddle in the rocking chair, it was clear to me that she is no longer a chubby cheeked toddler, but a beautiful little girl. As I thought about how long I would have before her carefree, mama cuddling days phased out, I just wanted to hold her there forever. I want to keep her running through fields, picnicking in the grass, and dancing in the kitchen with me. I want her to believe that embracing these simple joys will never be childish. She is so spirited, so excited about life. I want to help her hold onto that. #mamanotes