Hey we’re still here! And our sweet babies arrived!

I have been wanting so much to update with all kinds of cute baby pictures and stories (and that will come) but I haven’t gotten around to it yet because well, I have newborn twins and a displaced toddler and a five year old seriously pushing back against the parenting that I’d been lacking the past few months on bedrest. That, and my computer died 🙁 …along with so many other essential electronic devices. Anybody else’s netflix not working? Or their VCR player? (probably don’t have one…) Or your printer? 😩
I’ve maxed out on memory cards and phone space waiting for my computer to get repaired so I can back it up to the cloud. But I just found out…my computer is not worth saving 🙁 so I will be getting a new one! (When I get around to it 😬) I definitely will be posting lots of cute baby pictures and stories eventually (it really is a sweet time, just so exhausting) but in the meantime, here is a little mamanote from the other day to give you a funny little glimpse into this life we’re living right now (highly doubt you’ll be jealous! haha)

Jake was carrying Esther to the couch when he sat down and looked at his feet. “I stepped in his poop. Can you wipe it off for me?”
A few minutes earlier we were sitting on our bed trying to soothe the babies when Hyrum came walking in with poop on his fingers and his foot. “Poop, Mom,” he said as he pointed with his goobered finger.
Horrified, I jumped up to shower him off while Jake went searching for the mess. Jake and the kids had just gotten home from swimming tonight while I stayed back with the twins. I spent the whole time trying to soothe two crying refluxing babies who both wanted to be held and spit up the moment they were set down (how does one person do that!?!)
I was so exhausted when he came back that I handed one off as soon as Jake got changed. Hyrum and Ava were still changing though, and Hyrum never got a new diaper on. Ava was going to put it on him (bless that 5 year old!) but she was in the room with us wanting to help with the babies and Hyrum went somewhere else.
Then he returned a few minutes later 😧🙈😩.
We found the original mess, but not before Jake stepped in the residue of it 😂.
We got it all cleaned up, managed to fix bowls of cereal and fried eggs for dinner (best we’ve got lately), walked the messy floor for an hour, listened to Ava cry that we couldn’t start a movie at 10pm, then tucked the older kids in bed three hours past their bedtime, hoping the babies would finally settle in bed soon too.
A few hours into this chaos Hyrum asked, “Where’d Grammy go?”
It had been only seven hours since we dropped her off at the airport and I was wondering the same thing.

My angel mother has been with us for the past three and a half weeks, cleaning, cooking, holding, changing, –helping with everything, and she went back home today. I’ve been a little teary wondering how we’re going to do it without her. I was barely managing with her here. Newborn twins with reflux is so much more than a one person job!! It’s taking everything I’ve got.
When we told Hyrum Grammy went back home, he got this sad look on his face and repeated, “Grammy went back home.”
Our house is feeling a little more empty and a lot more disheveled, but somehow I know we’ll make it through. It will all work out. We’re going to do a lot of praying and a whole lot of trying, and we’re just going to do it. 💪👊