These are some of Ava’s favorite things. She puts on at least one princess dress a day, in addition to the other 5 outfits that she changes into. Despite being really stubborn when there is a time that I have to insist she wear something different than what she wants, I love her style and creativity. She is so fun these days.

Oh yes, and picture this.
Ava in her little mermaid costume, sitting at the table with a napkin on the table and a handful of goldfish on top. There are also three other napkins on the table with goldfish on top. They belong to the three baby dolls also seated at the table with her.
This was her prayer on the goldfish.
“Dear Heanly Fauder,
Gank you for this day and gank you for mommy and Ava and daddy sleeping. And gank you for this food and for the babies. And gank you for my room and for the goldfish. Gank you for families together forever and for the Gospel. Name of Jesus Christ Amen.”
Yes, we kind of really adore her.