On Jake’s 30th birthday we went to Bismarck to spend the day. We started off with our first ultrasound at the doctor’s office to estimate my due date. I was about eight and a half weeks along. Jake sat quieting the kids on the chair next to me, looking up at the big screen above us. I nestled onto the reclined chair, so excited to finally see that little baby, to finally see that heartbeat and know that everything was ok. I had been looking forward to that day for so long it seemed.
The tech placed the ultrasound on my stomach, and TWO little circles appeared–two little sacs with two little babies and teeny tiny heartbeats in them. It was the HAPPIEST surprise! I think my hand was over my mouth the whole time we watched those little beans in there. The first thing Jake said (and he was smiling while he said it) was, “This is going to be a lot of work.” Still he considered it the best birthday present. I think we’d both count it as one of our happiest days.
Ever since then, I think and dream about them all the time. Those little toes, those little noses, trying to make time go by faster. I’m so excited about it all. I’m also feeling the effects of a solid first trimester with two. I’m sure it could be a lot worse, but I’m so ready to be done with the nausea, fatigue, and headaches that keep me in my sweatpants all day, not wanting to do ANYTHING. Somehow my kids are doing alright (they’re good sports about all the t.v. shows, lack of food options, and mom not wanting to get up.) I’m still cleaning up messes, reading books, putting together puzzles, and giving all the cuddles and kisses, just a little less active mama (and maybe a little more moody.)
All worth it. So worth it. And we couldn’t be more thrilled.