I’m feeling much better lately. Every day seems to get a little better. It’s probably a combination of things (things I’ve already mentioned that have helped tremendously) and also getting further along in my pregnancy (thank goodness that nausea is gone!) But I’m finally feeling like I got this, I can do this! My head’s above the water (at least for now haha 🙂
Last night was long getting the kids all ready for bed, then trying to get them to stay in bed, (will I ever figure out how to make this work smoothly??) but then they were asleep and Jake came home and everything settled and I thought, I got this, it’s all good. And then I imagine having two newborns on top of this busy bunch and I think, wow that’s going to be something else. But just like the end of every day when sometimes I’m feeling at the end of my rope, they end up sweetly sleeping in their beds. Each day is full of goodness and giggles and messes and meltdowns and many times it’s quite exhausting by the end, but we do it. We make it through. We just do it. And all in all it’s a really great thing. I feel like having these twins is going to be like that. I can wonder how we’re going to do it, but we’re going to do it. That’s it. We’re going to make it work.
And I am actually really looking forward to it! I am so excited. I think about them so much every day, I can’t wait to have them here with us.
Also, more snow pictures… before it was below zero. 🙂 (Look how cold it’s been!!) The other day we had a wind chill of -38. Brrr!! I must say though, I really love all this snow we have (and it’s A LOT of snow.) It’s kind of fun to experience such cold temperatures too–to feel like we’re doing it, we’re making it through this cold winter!