Good Morning

I was on the couch reading, too cold to leave a cozy place for breakfast. This time before the kids are in school is nice because our mornings are slow and relaxed. Hyrum was on the stairs waiting for Jake to leave for work when Ava came down for the first time. “Good morning,” he said. Never heard him say that before, but it made my day. Jake left for work with the kids clinging to him, as usual. We went to the park and Hyrum wanted to sit in the big swing. I sat him on my lap and he snorted his happiness the whole time. He figured out how to do that this morning, then did it all day.

I’ve been swimming in laundry, getting close to getting all the clean laundry out of the laundry room though! Maybe tomorrow. 👍

Oh yes and Ava called me a “mean mom” tonight. I can’t even remember why she was so upset, I just remember her yelling and her angry face. It was a rough moment. But then we had some quiet time, a few back tickles and some pillow talk and things healed. That’s probably what she really needed anyway, to slow down and connect, to be understood. Or maybe that was me. We both probably needed it. #gratefulforher #mamanotes

Also, check out these North Dakota skies! I love the skies during a late summer storm.  We could see the clouds at a distance when we strollered over to the greenhouse around the corner to pick up some strawberry plants.   Those dark clouds trailed fast behind us on the way home! We quickly got the mail, admired the sky, then hurried inside as the first droplets fell. It’s so fun to experience different seasons in new places.

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