I think a good test of character is how grumpy we are when our night’s sleep is unexpectedly interrupted many times. The past few nights I don’t think I did too well with that.
I think it’s one of those days where I’m just struggling a bit. When I should be doing some things, and I don’t. And I should be more patient, and I’m not.
Getting Ava out the door for preschool today was all rush rush rush and I seemed to get on her case about everything. Hyrum’s crying seemed to drown out my patience while I searched for my keys. And when Ava said she may have been playing with them earlier, unfortunately she was my scapegoat.
Fortunately I have some really forgiving people in my life. When we were finally all buckled up and on our way, I reached my hand back and put it on Ava’s lap. “I”m sorry for being so unkind and impatient today, Ava. I’m having a rough day and I’m taking it out on you. Will you forgive me?” If she could have hugged me with those big blue eyes, she certainly did. She smiled and nodded and squeezed my hand. And the whole drive to the school I didn’t let go of her little hand because I just wanted to give her as much love as I could in that moment. I was so grateful for her goodness, so grateful that there is such a thing as forgiveness. And when I parked the car back in front of our house, I bowed my head and thanked the one who is the author of forgiveness. I asked for mercy, for a fresh start, for a better way to go about my day. And because of the atonement of Jesus Christ, He so freely gives it. And I am so, so grateful for that.
So here’s to being kinder, more mindful, and more in tune with the Spirit and the needs of those around me.