We sat on the bed picking out jelly beans; Jake handed Hyrum a popcorn one and he popped it into his mouth along with the blue one he was still chewing. “Popcorn one Mom!” he said happily chewing. Jake and I looked at each other and smiled, wondering when he’d notice the funny taste, and sure enough just after, Hyrum grimaced and pulled the yellow jelly bean from his mouth 😂.
We’ve all missed having Jake around. Randomly Hyrum would say to me, “Daddy’s gone Mom,” and get a little teary.
How did we get so lucky the last few days to be all together just the four of us before the twins arrive? (False labor had something to do with it, but I’m not complaining!) It has been so nice! Jake has been able to do some work from home here in Utah, but we have also done plenty of just hanging out and enjoying this time, and it has been really sweet. 💛 #mamanotes