We’ve been opening windows, admiring blossoms, and lying in the grass day after beautiful day. I’ve never loved spring more.
This cute kitty greets us in the morning and lounges on the grass with us in the afternoons. We love it. Someday we’ll get a cat of our own. Until then, we sure love this one!
Aren’t these lilac blossoms lovely!? I can’t tell you how much I love these little flowers. I can’t stop admiring them and they are everywhere here in North Dakota! We were really hoping that the big bush/tree? outside our kitchen window would have blossoms in the spring, but when the first tiny buds turned into leaves I figured we wouldn’t. After a few weeks we saw the beginnings of these blossoms and I was so excited! They started out dark purple (like the tips in the first picture), then became lighter and lighter every day. Some people have long rows of these bushes in their yard with a wide array of purple shades. I love them!
p.s. Don’t they look like butterflies?!