We celebrated 10 years together this summer. It’s been so great. I could go on about the profound blessing of these 10 years married to him, but I’ll save that for a love letter (for now 😘).
BUT I would like to share something. It’s what I write on advice cards at bridal showers.
Throughout our whole marriage, other than “I love you,” the thing that Jake and I say most often to each other is, “we’ve got to get to bed earlier.”
I know that everyone is different with different circumstances (including babies that don’t sleep through the night 🙋♀️) but if I can offer any advice it’s this–
Go to bed early and get up early and establish this routine IN YOUR BONES so that when the babies come & the schedules change & all the hard things stand in your way, you will be able to stick to this one DOMINO habit that affects the success of EVERY day & every other good thing you desire to do.
We’re still trying to be more consistent with this (clearly 🤪) but we KNOW. It’s incredible the difference it makes!
When we go to bed early & get up early before the kids & before work, we get that quiet space just for us, that time to think and read and pray and create. Time with God & with our thoughts. And time to get our bodies moving.
At night we can still have the kind of easing out, connecting space after the kids get to bed. But when we forego the tired, decompressing scrolling space that we drag out at night because it’s just so nice to have that time to ourselves or forego trying to get those things done that we’re too tired (or emotional) to do anyway… if we give that up and go to bed early…
We get the inspiring, rejuvenating, illuminating space that is ours to do whatever we want with in the morning (and without the guilt of staying up late!)
It’s motivating & centering & helps us start out the day on top (which is so great because we all know how we can feel at the end.)
And this is coming from a long time night owl🌙. It’s worth it! Early mornings alone are incredible (& life changing).
Plus it’s in scripture & so many people recommend it too. So there’s that.👌🌤
(Now if we can just make a SOLID habit of it 😜.)
We will, eventually👊😘