I walked into the kids room where Hyrum was laying quietly in his bed, struggling to fall asleep. I was so impressed that he stayed in his bed all this time. I sat at the edge of his feet and looked at the cutest little cheeks and big brown eyes.
“Hi Mom. I wanna snuggle you,” he said with that cute lisp of his.
I laid down next to him, my round belly touching his. He smiled as I snuggled my face up close to his.
“You has eyes mommy?” he said as he placed his finger on my eye.
“Yes I have eyes, and you have eyes too.”
“I have eyes too,” he repeated.
“You has chastick mommy,” he said pointing to my lips.
“Those are my lips, and you have lips too,” I said pointing to his.
“Ya I have wips too.”
He then pointed to my nose and other things in the room and we talked and snuggled for a few minutes.
Then I touched my nose to his and he giggled. He wrapped his little arm around my neck and pulled me in closer.
“I love you so much Hyrum.”
“I wuv you too Mommy.”
He turned his little body in his dragon pjs and shuffled down into his pillow, and I just wished so much that I could fold up this moment and tuck it away for when the years move on and my little boy grows. Surely I’ll wish to return to it, even for a moment.
I often find comfort thinking of the eternities and how everything will be made right and how redeeming and wonderful it all will be. But even with all those promised blessings I don’t think that I could ever get back this time with my little ones. I don’t know how it will all work out, but I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to be. Time raises them from little infants to adults and these years are all we’ve got to teach them and love them and soak up the wonderful fleeting sweetness of it all. It’s a humbling reminder to me to cherishthem, to be present with them, to really really appreciate them. And when I’m given little gems of moments like tonight, I try to capture them in my heart and wrap them up in words the best I know how so that somehow I can return to those big brown eyes and little lisp and never ever forget. #mamanotes